Lake Anna Business Partnership Awarded $1,000 Green Grant

Lake Anna Business Partnership LogoLake Anna Business Partnership is awarded a $1,000 Green Grant in the Litter Prevention Category as part of our 13th Annual Green Grants Program.

Every year, government, non-profit, civic, and service organizations in Virginia are invited to apply for grants ranging from $500 to $1,000 that will help address an environmental concern in their community. Grants must focus on one of the following priorities: Litter Prevention, Recycling, Cigarette Litter Prevention, or Community Beautification.

Lake Anna Business Partnership works with local businesses and professionals to promote Lake Anna and the surrounding Areas. The mission of Lake Anna Business Partnership is to preserve the beauty and safety of the Lake Anna region for current residents and future generations. They work through member volunteers, an elected board of directors and functional committees to support responsible growth around the lake through communication, government liaison, events Sunset at Lake Annaand cooperation with other organizations supporting the lake.

The focus of Lake Anna Business Partnership’s program is to identify high traffic, main road areas with an abundance of litter on other roads. Litter on their local public highways has increased significantly with the steep increase in rental properties and new construction.  Their Adopt-a-Highway Program has grown, 84 volunteers having spent 400 hours of service.  New leaders are adopting roads.

Funds awarded by the Green Grants program will be used to purchase supplies to keep volunteers safe when picking up litter on busy roads.  The will purchase sport-orange visors hats to give them added visibility along with the orange vests they now use, and heavy duty trash grabbers that are high quality to handle the task of repeated use.

Thank you Lake Anna Business Partnership, for caring about the natural and scenic environment of Virginia!