Back to School 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Have a Sustainable Back-to-school this year! There’s so much that can be done to stay environmentally conscious while preparing for in-person classes again.  Here’s just a few ideas to consider.

Put a fun twist on the end-of-summer party by hosting a backyard school supply swap in your neighborhood!  People can bring surplus inventory from their Costco pencil deal, and swap with all the extra packages of notebook paper you stockpiled in the back of the closet last year.  Markers, glue sticks, gently used binders – all can be useful to others this school year.

Moms of younger kids could also have a clothes swap, while middle school girls might enjoy a pop-up backyard boutique featuring everyone’s outgrown clothes!  Add a mirror and some charity shop accessories for fun.  Teens might be better at buying (and selling!) clothes online – here’s an article with the scoop on the most popular websites to try.

Remember that DSW Shoes accepts gently used shoes.  That will help you clean the excess out of your closet, plus you’ll earn 50 points as a VIP member.  Best of all, you’ll be helping others through the Soles4Souls nonprofit.

Heading to college?  Don’t just put everything in the trash can as you unpack.  Find the recycling bins around campus for your collapsed cardboard boxes and many other products.  Don’t see any?  So now YOU can be the person who starts the effort to get recycling in place on campus!

Try using washable cotton rounds, complete with mini washing bag.  They’re great for removing makeup and applying skincare items, and don’t end up in the landfill like the disposable ones.

Switch out disposable K-Cups for a refillable one.  Or if you’re more likely to grab a cup of joe in the student center, take a reusable travel mug to fill instead of getting a disposable cup.

Here’s a tip that keeps on giving:  rent or buy used textbooks. It reuses what’s already out there, saves money, and you can sell the purchased texts when you’re done with them.

There are a lot of ways to live more environmentally conscious, both at school and at home.  Look for ideas on Pinterest, or for new products on Etsy.  And it can be fun to challenge your friends and family to do the same!