Staying Green in a Sea of Red

The fine folks that we decided to send to Washington are still arguing about a budget deal.

A little over 9% of Americans are unemployed and the ones who have a job are struggling.

Being “green” isn’t always pretty, it isn’t always glamorous, and it takes some thought.  We send our social media friends links all of the time about gadgets and programs that will help you do good for the environment and help to Keep Virginia Beautiful.  That being said and the economy being what it is here are some tips for being green when your finances are in the red:

*Walk more.  We jump in the car at every opportunity.  If it’s practical, walk!  Think about riding your bike.  Not only does it cost you nothing to make this decision you save money on gas!

* Turn it off.  If nobody is home who cares if the computer is on stand-by?  The massive medusa hiding behind the entertainment center doesn’t need to eat electricity if you’re at the beach for a week.  Unplug!

*Make your house a “thirsty” house.  We’re glad that Virginia isn’t considered “arid” (at least not yet) but be a smart water user!  Turn off the faucet as you brush your teeth.  If you let the grass grow a little longer during the dog days of summer it needs less water.  Put a brick or jug in the reservoir of the toilet.  It will use that much less water to flush.  Shower with a friend.

*Recycle more.  We’ve got your attention with bottles and cans but how about everything else?  Spend your college years chasing a band around?  Turn all of those t-shirts into a comforter.  Knees going?  Turn your old skateboard decks into furniture.  Techno geek?  Turn those shiny CD’s into a mirror or desk lamp.  Just about everything can be recycled.

*Share.  Share a ride with a friend.  Share some garden veggies with a neighbor.  Share some old clothes with the new family down the street.  Just share.  It feels good.

*Buy smarter.  Your money is precious.  The what and how of what you buy impacts our environment.  Think about single serving items, look at the packaging, and bring your own bag!

You can certainly go out and buy a rain barrel or order up a low-flow showerhead.  It doesn’t, however, have to cost you money to be green and Keep Virginia Beautiful.