Tips for a Plastic Free July

Lady shopping for bulk foodYou may have heard the reference to “Plastic Free July,” but are you wondering what you can do about it within the constraints of your time and budget?  There is significant amount of plastic waste comes to and from our homes that we do have control over.

According to the 2021 Keep America Beautiful Litter Study, plastic films, both general use films and food-packaging films, such as candy wrappers or snack bags, represent the second and third most littered items in America.

You can choose to keep plastic waste from coming into your home by being selective of how your food products and take-out food are presented.

First and foremost, BE PREPARED!

  • Put reusable shopping bags and mesh produce bags in your car, ready to use!
  • Carry a reusable bottle of water with you to work, school, errands, or wherever life takes you. Many public places now offer water refill stations.  Hopefully that trend will continue to increase.
  • Find some beautiful mismatched stainless-steel cutlery to take with you when you pack your lunch, or keep them at your desk ready for a soup or snack. Wash, rinse, and repeat!
  • If you want to use a straw, there are many alternatives available to the plastic throw-away ones restaurants offer. Or you can get a ready-to-go kit of utensils and straw here.

And consider making some small changes:

  • Instead of disposable dryer sheets, try Friendsheep Eco Dryer Balls that naturally soften and fluff your laundry by gently tumbling in your dryer. Their movement helps separate your fabrics allowing the heat to better flow between them, reducing wrinkles, static cling, and drying time.
  • Patronize local restaurants that offer take-out food in recyclable or compostable containers.
  • Many grocery stores have sections that offer bulk sales of rice, nuts, and grains that you purchase by-the-pound with no packaging (except for the one you bring to reuse!)
  • Shop at your local farmers markets for unpackaged produce, which you’ll take home in the reusable mesh bags you keep in your car 😉

I hope that you’re finding simple swaps and alternate ways to avoid your reliance on single-use plastic in your life!