North Branch School Grant will Zeros in on Zero Waste

LogoToday’s Green Grant award of $750 in the recycling category goes to North Branch School!  They will utilize Zero-Waste Recycling boxes to further improve their recycling efforts and reduce the amount of trash created.

North Branch School serves Nelson, Albemarle, and Augusta counties, offering a hands-on education for students in preschool-8th grade.  Their mission statement calls for the school to foster environmental responsibility and is one of only three schools in the Commonwealth to be recognized as a Virginia Naturally Exemplary School for all 20 years of the program.

To grow their recycling efforts, funds provided by this grant award will be used to purchase and process large Zero-Waste Recycling boxes from Terracycle, providing a solution to many different recyclable products all together in one place. In addition, a Pencils-Pens-Markers Zero Waste box will be used to collect and recycle writing implements for the entire school.  Their Board, staff, students, and families are committed to helping children develop life-long habits of repurposing, reusing, and recycling.Person recycling with bins

Their Green Grant application states that they intend to be “Zeroing in on Zero Waste!”  With an approximate enrollment of 120 students for 2022-23 school year, the Zero-Waste Recycling boxes should last through the fall.

We look forward to learning the amount of recyclables collected, and determine how much waste was saved from going to the landfill.  Congratulations North Branch School!