We’re Giving TO YOU for #Giving Tuesday!

Hands in heart shapeIt’s #GivingTuesday, and we’re giving thanks (and a gift) to YOU for your helping hands to keep Virginia clean and green!

We were happy to give you the resources you needed throughout 2021 to make a difference in your community, and your impact shows!

Even in this Covid-restricted virtual world, over 2,021 bags of litter were removed from the landscape during Shiver in Virginia statewide cleanup in March!  And there were over 2,500 volunteer hours of service to complete the thirty-five Green Grants projects for 2021.  We’re always grateful to our Adopt-a-Highway permit holders, the road warriors who pick up litter all year round!  And so many people have signed in to take the pledge to end litter in Virginia — we know you care about the scenic and natural environment of our Commonwealth!

That’s why we want to give a little something to you to say “Thank You” on #Giving Tuesday.  All you need to do is use this form to let us know which one of these freebies you’d like!Screen Wipe Cloth

You can choose a KVB screen wipe, a reusable microfiber cloth you can use to clean your phone, glasses, and other devices without the need for disposable lense cleaners that come in a foil package with a single-use wet wipe.  You can keep this one handy in your purse or pocket.

Package of seedsOr let us send you a package of wildflower seeds!  They contain seeds for native plants that grow in Virginia, like Black-eyed Susans and Lupine that will attract butterflies and other pollinators, and come back each year.

Or you can request our very popular KVB stickers (let us choose from the selection on hand).  All of these items are while supplies last!

We also want to remind you that year-round we offer cigarette butt receptacles to help combat the cigarette butt litter problem.  If you have a business that would use and maintain receptacles (or can KVB logo stickersuse and hand out pocket ashtrays), please fill out this interest form to let us know what you need.

If you’d like to support our programs further, everyone who gives a donation in any amount will receive a free-parking pass good for one day at a Virginia State Park; or a Deluxe Cleanup Kit for donations of $100.00 or more.

Thank you for a tremendous year of support and participation!  Happy Giving Tuesday!