Get Green Money!

Leaves and MoneyThis is the last week that we’re accepting applications for our 30 in 30 Green Grants Program, so what are you waiting for?  Get your online application form submitted before midnight, April 30th!

Do you have a business or organization that is tired of cigarette butts on the ground?  One of the categories for grant funds is Cigarette Litter Prevention.  Cigarette Butts are the most littered item in the world!  They do not biodegrade and fade away harmlessly; cigarette butts are made of cellulose acetate, which is a form of plastic that does not go away, and they contain toxic chemicals.  Although small, they move with the rain across streets and parking lots, into storm drains, and into our beautiful waterways.  Did you know that cigarette butts can be recycled?  Learn more about Keep America Beautiful’s Cigarette Litter Prevention Program, and how Terracycle turns cigarette waste products into usable products.  Then apply for a Cigarette Litter Prevention Green Grant if it’s a good fit for your business or organization!

Do you belong to a Scouting group, faith organization, or school PTO? Another category we’re awarding grant funds for is Recycling.  The first thought that comes to mind is the blue bins with the chasing arrows recycling symbol on the side – and those are very useful!  But there is much more to recycling these days, it’s not just about cardboard and paper.  Plastic produce and checkout bags, dry cleaning bags, package wrap, bread wrappers and more can all be kept out of the landscape and landfill by recycling them.  Many stores across the state, such as Giant, Food Lion, Kroger, Target, and Staples will accept the bags you bring to them.  Repurposing is another form of Recycling.  Could your group host a “Fix-it Fair” where handymen and women repair items that may otherwise be added to the landfill?  Or repurposing items for art, if you know a group that would have that talent and ability!

The two other categories for Green Grant awards is Community Beautification and Litter Prevention.  Check out our webpage to learn more, and get your applications submitted before the April 30th deadline!