Giles County Wins 30 in Thirty

We awarded Giles County a $500 30 in Thirty grant for their project, “Don’t Leave Line in the River.” Giles county will use these fund to set up disposal sites for fishing line as an alternative to throwing the used line into the river. The collected line will be shipped to the Berkley Conservation Institute, where it will be recycled into fish habitat structures called Berkley Fish-Habs. The County will also be educating fishermen about the potential damage fishing line can do to wildlife and boats to encourage them to use the provided disposal sites.

Since 2011, Keep Virginia Beautiful has provided over $145,000 to 195 projects throughout the Commonwealth. This year, we partnered with Altria, Keep America Beautiful, and Deep Run Dance Marathon to make the program possible. Government, non-profit, civic, and service organizations in Virginia were invited to apply for 30 in Thirty grants for $500 to $2,000 describing how they plan to address Litter Prevention, Recycling, Cigarette Litter Prevention, or Beautification in their communities.