Holliday Lake State Park puts butts in their place!

Holliday Lake State Park puts butts in their place with the help of KVB’s 30 in 30 grant!

The Friends of Holliday Lake State Park purchased two cigarette butt receptacles like the one seen in the picture to be put in high traffic areas of the park.  In doing this they had hoped to reduce the number of butts found on the ground around the park.  The containers were emptied regularly and a decrease in litter was noticed on the beach.  The friends group also purchased 500 pocket ashtrays to give to park guests that are seen smoking so they would have a place to put their butts until they get to a trash can.  These pocket ashtrays are very popular among trail users as a place to put their butts until they finish their hike.  The large receptacles worked so well that the park purchased two more to be put at their new campground restroom entrances.  “Thanks to KVB for allowing us this opportunity to help keep Virginia clean.”