Bowl of Lettuce Garden at Patrick Springs


The Keep Virginia Beautiful grant has helped our garden project move foward in 2011. The students were able to grow and share food with each other, family, friends and staff. They learned a lot about cooperation and the fact that everyone cannot water everyday!!! We planted green beans twice before they germinated and grew. The squash plants grew by leaps and bounds but were attacked by squash bugs that wiped out the harvest. The tomato harvest was great and the bell peppers, hot peppers and lettuce grew until mid Nov. Our sunflowers were absolutely beautiful, but we got NO seeds!!! The birds beat us to them every time. Our Bowl of Lettuce party was a success. 3rd graders and special needs students showed off their produce, prepared a salad for family and staff and discussed their plans for the 2012 growing season. Thanks once more for your faith and support of our project. Minnie Moore

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